Research Methods for Social Psychology

Dunn, Dana S

Research Methods for Social Psychology - 2th ed. - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt.Ltd 2018 - 392p

includes index and biblioraphy

1 Studying social psychology .........1 Introducting and defining social psychology .....1 Establishing causality: The importance of experimentation in social psychology ........3 Levels of explanation: social psychology`s relation to other fields of inquiry ........5 Personality psychology`s relation to social psychology ........7 The scientific method: Doing social psychology ........8 Why social psychology is social ........11 Social thought ........12 Social influence ......12 Social connections .......12 Where the lab and the field ........13 The lab ......13 The field ......13 One more distinction: Basic and applied research .....15 Social psychologists today .....16 Active learning exercise 1A: Learning about active social psychologists ......16 Learning research methods for social psychology .......18 Active learning exercise 1B: Planning a research project in social psychology .........18 Exercises .......19 2 Developing research topics in social psychology .........20 The scope of social psychology .......22 Traditional topics and new avenues for research .......23 Extending earlier research ........26 Finding a research question .....26 Self-reflection .....26 Explore but verify hindsight .......27 Your campus .....27 Your community .....28 Look to the media .....29 The wider-world .....29 Ask an expert ........30 The world wide web .......30 Watch other people .....31 Other sources fir research ideas ......31 Active learning 2A: Developing topic ideas by brainstorming ......32 Active learning exercise 2B:Keeping a social psychology log ......33 Searching the social psychological literature ......34 Searching databases .......36 Searching the library catalog .....39 Seeking help: Speak to reference professionals ....39 Active learning exercise 2C: Maintaining a bibliography and organizing sources ......40 Reading social psychology research .....41 Borrowing ideas from published social psychology experiments .....43 Exercises ......44 3 Ethical issues in social psychological research .......45 Milgram`s obedience research .......47 Other ethically challenging examples ......50 The problem of deception in social psychology experiments: Balancing benefits and costs ......51 Arguments for using deception: some benefits .......53 Arguments against using deception: The costs .......55 The special role of confederates .......56 Labels do matter: Participants, not subjects ........57 Institutional review boards .......59 Active learning exercise 3A: Forming an in -class IRB ......61 Active learning exercise 3B: Completing an IRB form ........62 Informed consent is essential .....63 Confidentiality ....64 Obtaining informed consent .....65 Active learning exercise 3C: Creating an inormed consent form for your project .......66 Ethical issues and field research .....68 Shared virtues: Ethical treatment, education, and science ........70 A last word on ethics .......70 Exercises .....71 4 Basic experimental design .........72The logic of experimentation ......73 The advantages of experiments ......76 Why experiments matter in social psychology ......77 Turning a research uestion into a hypothesis .......77 Operational definitions in social psychological research ..........78 Active learning exercise 4A: Writing an operational definition ........80 Independent and dependent variables .....81 Active learning exercise 4B: Identifying independent and dependent variables in social psychology experiments .....82 5 Alternatives to experimental research in social psychology ......106 6 Developing questionnaires and surveys ......142 7 Introducting a difference: Independent variables .....174 8 Measuring what happens: dependent variables .....198 9 Valiudity and realism in research ........224 10 Conducting social psychology experiments: Practical matters ........246 11 Data analysis .....268 12 Presenting social psychological research ........288

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