Ancient Education and Early Christianity

Hauge, Matthew Ryan

Ancient Education and Early Christianity - New York T and T Clark 2018 - 210p - Library of New Testament Studies; 201800ENGGPS5 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Ancient Education and Early Christianity ...........1 1. Educational Contexts and Settings The Torah Versus Homer:Jewish and Greco-Roman Education in Late Roman Palestine ...........5 Exodus from the Cave: Moses as Platonic Educator .......25 Observing a Teacher of Progymnasmata........39 The seven Sages, The Delphic Canon and Ethical Education in Antiquity ............71 2. Early Christian Appropriations Fabulous Parables: The Story Telling tradition in the Synoptic Gospels .....89 The origins of Greek Mimesis and the Gospel of Mark : Genre as a Potential Constraint in Assessing markan Imitation ......107 Luke and progymnasmata: Rhetorical Handbooks, Rhetorical Sophistication and Genre Selection ..........137 Luke`s Antextuality in light of Ancient Rhetorical Education ........155 A School of Paul? The use of Pauline texts in Early christian schooltext Papyri .........165 How did the Teaching Teach?The Didache as Catechesis ............179

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