Using Social Media in the Classroom

Poore, Megan

Using Social Media in the Classroom A Best Practice Guide - London Sage Publications Ltd 2014 - 256p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Getting started : The Essentials ..........1 Social Media and Education .............3 Sound Educational Design using Social Media ............15 Common Aspects of Social Media Functions and Practice .................27 2. The Big Four .............41 Blogs............43 Wikis ..............60 Social Networks ..........79 Podcasting, Music, and Audio.................92 3. Enriching your Practice ....................109 Visual Media .........111 Instant Messaging, Chat, Skype, and Twitter ................122 Bookmarking, Clippings, Mindmapping and polls .............131 Educational Games and Mobile Learning ..................141 Productivity tools ..........152 4. Social Contexts .........161 Digital Natives, New Leaning and Digital Literacy .................163 The Digital Divide the Digital Participation ..........177 Cyberbullying ..............187 Understanding risk Online .............200 Practical and in -Class considerations .................224

9781446202814 4500

P65 / P793

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