Catholic Social Thought

O`Brien, David J

Catholic Social Thought Encyclicals and Documents from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis - 3th ed. - New York Orbis Books 2016 - 544p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. The Classic Texts of Leo XIII and Pius XI Rerum Novarum : The Conditions of Labor (Leo XIII, 1891) Quadragesimo Anno: After Forty Years (Pius XI, 1931) 2. Catholic Social Thought in Transition Mater et magistra: Christianity and Social Progress (John XXIII, 1961) Pacem in Terris: Peace on Earth (John XXIII, 1963) 3. Vatican II and Post-Conciliar Catholic Social Teaching Gaudium et Spec: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Second Vatican Council, 1965) Populorum progressio: On the development of Propoles(Paul vi, 1967) Octogesima Adveniens: A call to Action on the Eightieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum (Paul Vi, 1971) Octogesima Adveniens: A call to Action on the Eightieth Anniversary of Rerum novarum (Paul Vi, 1971) Justice in the world (Synod of Bishop, 1971) Evangelii Nuntiandi: Evangelization in the Modern World (Paul VI, 1975) 5. The Social Teaching of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis Laborem exercens: On Human Work (John Paul II,1981) Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: On Social Concern(John Paul II, 1987) Centesimus Annus: On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum (John Paul II, 1991) Caritas in Veritate: On Integral Human Development in Charley and Truth (Benedict XVI, 2009) Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home (Francis, 2015)

9781626981997 6435

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