Twentieth-Century Theologians

Kennedy, Philip

Twentieth-Century Theologians A New Introduction to Modern Christian Thought - London I. B. Tauris 2010 - 368p

includes index and biblioraphy

The Twentieth Century........1 Adolf Von Harnack : 1851-1930.........17 Alfred Firmin Loisy: 1856-1940 Evelyn Underhill: 1875-1941..........43 Albert Schweitzer : 1875-1965..........55 Karl Barth: 1886-1968......69 Dietrich Bonhoeffer: 1906-45.85 Paul Tillich: 1886-1965.........101 Doroty Day : 1897-1980........17 Karl Rahner: 1904-84............133 Yves Congar: 1904-95.................147 EdwardSchillebeeckx: b. 1914.....161 Mary Daly : b. 1928.........................177 Jurgen moltmann: b. 1926................191 Gordon Kaufman : B. 1925.................205 Gustavo Gutierrez: b. 1928...............223 Uta Ranke-Heinemann: b.1928...........239 John Hick B. 1922........................251 Tissa Balasuriya : B. 1924...........261 Don Cupitt: B. 1934..............271 Mercy amba Oduyoye..........1934..........283 The Rainbow spirit elders....................293 Taking stocdk ..........305

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