The Book of Exodus

Dozeman, Thomas B

The Book of Exodus Composition, Reception, and Interpretation - Leiden, Boston Brill 2014 - 669p - Supplements to Vetus Testamentum; 201400ENGGPS1 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Reading exodus in tetrateuch and pentateuch .3 Exodus in the Pentateuch ........27 Exodus and history .........61 2. Issues in Itnerpretation The miracle at the sea: Remarks on the Recent discussion about origin and composition of the exodus narrative ......91 From the call of moses to the parting of the sea: Reflections on the priestly version of the exodus narrative...121 Wilderness material in Exodus .........151 Lawgiving material in Exodus ...169 Decalogue ...193 The Origin, Development and Context of the Covenant code ..............220 The Promise of the Land as Oath in Exodus ............245 Tabernacle ...........267 3. Textual Transmission and Reception history Exodus in the Dead Sea Scrolls ............305 Textual and Translation issues in Greek Exodus ...........322 Exodus in Syriac ...........349 The Vetus latina and the Vulgate of the Book of Exodus .........370 The Exodus theology of the Palestinan Targumim......387 The people of the Covenant or the People of God : Exodus in Philo of Alexandria .....404 Exodus in the New testament : Patterns of Revelation and Redemption .............440 Exodus in Josephus ........465 The Reception of the Book of Exodus in the Book of Jubilees .............485 Exodus in the Fathers ......511 Exodus in Rabbinic Interpretation ..........535 4. Exodus and Theology The god who gives rest ..........565 Issues of Agency in Exodus .......591

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Criticism, Interpretation
Bible o t Exodus

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