The Sivajnanabodha-Sangrahabhasya of Sivagrayogin

Jayammal, K

The Sivajnanabodha-Sangrahabhasya of Sivagrayogin - Madras Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy 1993 - 158p - Madras University Philosophical Series ; 199300ENGGPS5 .

includes index and biblioraphy

String of Questions ...........2 Primary cause for Doubts..............6 Introduction to the Scripture ..........6 Lineage of preceptors ...........7 Statement of four principal Elements ..........8 Beginning of the Brief Commentary on the First Aphorism ..........8 Inference to Iswara ........9 Creatorship of Iswara who is without a body ..............11 Ascertainment of his Form constituted by the Mantras ..........12 Another Inference ..........12 Tatastha Definition ..........13 Validity for Inference ........14 Validity for the Agamas ........15 Validity for all systems ....17 Validity of the Agamas regarding the Entities already established .......19 Commentary for the Remaining part of the Aphorism .........21 Sutra II Beginning of the Brief Commentary on the Second Aphorism .........24 Elucidation of Niskala and others ........29 Discussion about kundalini..........31 Analysis of Siva-Tattvas ..........31 Sutra III Beginning of the brief commentary on the Third Aphorism ..........44 Sutra IV Beginning of the Brief commentary on the Fourth aphorism .............52 A different explanations ..........54 Sutra V Beginning of the Brief Commentary on the Fifthe Aphorism .......61 Sutra VI Brief commentary on the sixth aphorism ........66 Sutra VII Beginning of the Commentary on the Seventh Aphorism .......73 Sutra VIII Beginning of the Brief commentary on the Eight aphorism ......77 Sutra IX Beginning of the brief commentary on the Nineth Aphorism .............91 Sutra X Beginning of the brief commentary on the Tenth Aphorism...............100 Analysis of the Removal of Contact with Mala .......103 Sutra XI Beginning of the Commentary on the Eleventh Aphorism ..........112 Sutra XII Beginning of the brief commentary on the Twelfth Aphorism......120 Statement of the Use of Dasa-Karma which is of the nature of External limb of Devotion, in Producing knowledge ............121 Through the denial of other things, the wearing of sacred ashes ...............123


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