
Osborne, Grant R

Mark Teach the Text Commentary Series - Michigan Baker Book House 2014 - 340p - Teach and Text Commentary Series ; 201400ENGGPS2 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Jesus`s Identity as Messiah and son of God Established ................12 The Actions of the Triune Godhead Prove Jesus`s Divine Office .........18 Jesus inaugurates the disciple band and Conquers the Unclean Spirits ..........24 Jesus`s Ministry and polularity continue to Grow ...........30 Jesus`s Authority to forgive and Heal Sinners ..........36 Jesus calling and Accepting the outcasts ..........42 Jesus as lord and as Archcriminal .........48 Caring for the Needy and Commissioning apostles ...........54 Jesus turns to his new Family .......60 Parables of the Kingdom .......66 Satan Parables ............72 More parables of the Kingdom .........74 The authority of Jesus over nature and the Cosmic Powers .........80 The Authority of Jesus over sickness and Death ........86 The rejection of Jesus in Galilee .....98 GOd`s Miraculous Provision : Caring for the Needy .......104 Failing the test and Spiritual Failure - Hardness of Heart ........110 Spiritual hypocrisy- living by the rules, Not by the Heart ...........116 Gentiles Exemplify true discipleship ........122 The gentiles are included in God`s Provision ...........128

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Bible N. T. Mark

BC57 / OS150

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