Divine Mercy

Binz, Stephen J

Divine Mercy - Bombay Pauline Publications 2016 - 193p

includes index and biblioraphy

How to use threshold Bible Study .9 God has ears for the Afflicted .31 A god rich in Mercy ..........37 Remember the Alien , the orphan , and the widow.........41 God chose you in Mercy ..........47 What the lord requires of You .........53 The ultimate gift of Divine mercy .......59 Suggestions for Facilitators, Group session ...........63 God Pursues his Beloved .....65 God delights in Showing mercy ...71 God`s Everlasting compassion and Mercy ......77 Great is your mercy is Everlasting ........89 Litany of God`s Mercy .95 The beatitudes on the mountain .......103 God cares for all of your needs .....109 Have mercy on us, Son of David ...................113 Song of God`s Tender Mercy ........133 Jesus announces his Ministry of Mercy ......................137 Be merciful as your father is Merciful ...........143 Jesus has come to save the lost ...153 God, Be merciful to me, A sinner ...157 The marks of a Merciful Christian .....163 Salvation by grace through Faith ....169 Mercy triumphs over judgement ......179 We love because he first loved us ...................185 God`s Final and Eternal act of Mercy ........189

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