Pray Lifting Up Hoy Hands

John, Cyril

Pray Lifting Up Hoy Hands The Prayer of Intercession - New Delhi Media House 2012 - 160p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. What is intercession ? ...14 1. The meaning of intercession ...14 2. Intercession is standing in the breach ...18 3. Spiritual warfare in intercession ...24 4. Intercession in the church tradition ...30 5. Intercession in the catholic charistmatic renewal ...35 II Intercession : A trinitarian prayer ...38 1. Jesus The enthroned intercessor ...38 2. The holy spirit The indwelling intercessor ...42 3. Our call to intercession ...47 4. The urgency of intercession ...50 5. Keep watch over the flock ...54 6. Pray for those in high positions ...57 7. Are any among you suffering ? ...64 8. Intercession response to persecution ..67 III Grow in intercession ...74 1. A clean heart to intercede ...74 2. The ten rules of intercession ...79 3. Prophetic intercession ...97 4. Have faith the size of a mustard seed ...101 5. Intercession through Mary ...104 IV Intercssion aids ...110 1. Charisms for intercession ...110 2. Look at him and be radiant ...115 3. Holy rosary ...121 4 Saint companions for intercession ...128 5 Intercession through suffering ...133 V The efficacy of intercession ...140 1. Intercession is powerful ...140 2. Intercession and mission ...146 3. Intercession as a ministry ...151 4. Are our prayers answered ? ...155

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