Christian Doctrine and the Old Testament

Anderson, Gary A

Christian Doctrine and the Old Testament Theology in the Service of Biblical Exegesis - Michigan Baker Book House 2017 - 220p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Who is a God like YOu? Apophatic thelology : The transcendence of god and the story of Nadab and abihu.........3 The impassinility of God .......................23 2. In the biginning Creation :Creatio ex Nihilo and the Bible .........41 Original sin : The fall of humanity and the golden calf..........59 Election : The beloved son in Genesis and the Gospel ...........75 3. The word became flesh Christology : The incarnation and the temple ................95 Mariology the Mother of God and the temple ..........121 Christology : Tobit as righteous suffer .........135 4. Conformed to the image of his Son The treasury of Merits: Faith and works in the biblical Tradition .........153 Purgatory : Sanctification in this life and the next ..............185

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Bible Old Testament

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