Dharmaram College Diamond Jubilee Souvenir

Kollamparampil, Thomas

Dharmaram College Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Dreams and Hopes Blossomed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1957-2017) - Bengaluru Dharmaram Publications 2020 - 522p

includes index and biblioraphy

Part One 1. The Legacy and Foundation of Dharmaram College CMI Legacy of Religious and Priestly Formation: Historical Evolution ...........3 In Memmoriam, Bishop Mar Jonas Thaliath, CMI............16 The Origin and Growth of Dharmaram College : Dream and Realization Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ............17 Dharmaram: The Pioneers Progress :Dawn of a New Era .......23 The Vision and Mission of Dharmaram : Its Meaning and Making ................29 Dharmara Trajectory: Vivat, Crescat et Floreat: May Dharmaram Live, Grow and Blossom ..........39 Vijnanat jnanam (From Knowledge to Wisdom) Chavara Vision of Seminary Education .........49 Dharmaram Arthitects.............53 Rectors of Dharmaram College and Major Events ...................57 Dharmaram : Vision and School of Thought ...........65 Part Two Blending of Sacred and Secular Disciplines in Formation DVK as Organic Evolution of Dharmaram College ........73 Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram: As the Organic Evolution of Dharmaram College on the Way of Becoming an Ecclesiastical University ..........79 Dharmaram and Theological Education in India ..............93 Blending the Sacred and the Secular in Higher education education at Christ Deemed To be University ...............99 The Ministry of School education at Dharmaram .............105 3. Evangelizational and Pastoral Outeach of Dharmaram Let my People go: Dharmaram as the Game changer in the Evangelizing Mission of the Syro-Malabar Church ........119 St. Thomas Forane parish, Dharmaram College, Bangalore ..............133 The Legacy of the Pastoral Mission of Dharmaram Today ............137 Collaboration Between dharmaram College and the Archdiocese of Bangalore ........153 Part 4. Life, Growth and Flowering of Ecclesiastical Education Second Vatican Council and Dharmaram College ..........159 Post-Vatican Liturgical Inculturation in India : Contribution of Dharmaram College ........165 Darsana Philosophate : A look into the past and Future ............173 Dharmaram and Samanvaya : The CMI Legacy of Priest- Missionary Formation ...........185 Dharmaram and Inter-Faith Dialogue ..........191 Dharmaram to Khrist Premalaya, Ashta, MP: Story of the CMI Legacy of Major Seminary Formation .......207 CMI Mission in Namibia : Continuation of the Zeal of Founding Fathers ................213 Chavara Institute of Indian and Interreligious, Studies, Rome: The First Global Extension, of Dharmaram .........223 Dharmaram College and the Global Extension of Ecclesiastical Studies .........229 Dharmaram and Inculturation : Historical - Theological Deliberations on the Growth of Dharmaram with Special Reference to Inculturation..........235 Centres for study and Research at Dharmaram And DVK ..........241 Dharmaram Journals ........247 Part 5. Dharmaram and Pioneering Missions Ashtanga Margas for Dharmaram Ecology ...........250 Dharmaram Formation and Its Influence in Creating A Simple Life Style .............251 Dharmaram College : Dass and Village Development ..........257 Social Commitment of Dharmaram College : Dass, Asvas, Christ special School: Vision and Contributions ..........259 Agriculture and Religious Formation ...........267 Friends, Benefactors and Associates of Dharmaram College ...........273 part 6. The Cloud of witnessing Voice of the Alumni My years of Training in Dharmaram ..............287 Ormmayil oru Dharmaram Chithram .............295 Bishop Jonas Thaliath, CMI Janmasathabdi Ganam ..........298 Stray thoughts on Dharmaram Kootukudumbam ......299 Window to the world on Desire and Hope: Trails of Service .............303 Our Dharmaram Days: 1980s ..........309 The Garden, Where passion flowers .............315 Revelation in God`s Space and Time ...............319 Moulders of Dharmaram ..............323

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