Israel`s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective

Levy, Thomas E

Israel`s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience - Switzerland Springer 2015 - 584p

includes index and biblioraphy

Part I Setting the Stage: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Exodus Narrative 1 Exodus and Memory 3 Jan Assmann 2 On the Historicity of the Exodus: What Egyptology Today Can Contribute to Assessing the Biblical Account of the Sojourn in Egypt Manfred Bietak 3 The Wilderness Narrative and Itineraries and the Evolution of the Exodus Tradition 39 Israel Finkelstein 4 Exodus Dates and Theories 55 Lawrence T. Geraty 5 The Exodus as Cultural Memory: Egyptian Bondage and the Song of the Sea 65 Ronald Hendel Part II Science-Based Approaches to the Exodus 6 Radiocarbon Dating and the Exodus Tradition 81 Michael W. Dee, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, and Thomas F.G. Higham 7 The Thera Theories: Science and the Modern Reception History of the Exodus 91 Mark Harris 8 Which Way Out of Egypt? Physical Geography Related to the Exodus Itinerary 101 Stephen O. Moshier and James K. Hoffmeier 9 Inspired by a Tsunami? An Earth Sciences Perspective of the Exodus Narrative 109 Amos Salamon, Steve Ward, Royd McCoy, John Hall, and Thomas E. Levy 10 Dating the Theran Eruption: Archaeological Science Versus Nonsense Science 131 Malcolm H. Wiener Part III Cyber-Archaeology and Exodus 11 The Sound of Exodus (EX3), "World Building" and the Museum of the Future: Adaptive, Listener-Centered Auditory Display for Multimodal Narrative in Advanced Visualization Spaces 147 Zachary Seldess, Peter Otto, Eric Hamdan, and Thomas E. Levy 12 The WAVE and 3D: How the Waters Might Have Parted-Visualizing Evidence for a Major Volcanic Eruption in the Mediterranean and Its Impact on Exodus Models 161 Jiirgen P. Schulze, Jessica Block, Philip Weber, Thomas E. Levy, Gregory L. Dawe, Brad C. Sparks, and Thomas A. DeFanti 13 MediaCommons Framework: An Immersive Storytelling Platform and Exodus 173 David Srour, John Mangan, Aliya Hoff, Todd Margolis, Jessica Block, Matthew L. Vincent, Thomas A. DeFanti, Thomas E. Levy, and Falko Kuester Part IV The Exodus Narrative in its Egyptian and Near Eastern Context 14 Mythic Dimensions of the Exodus Tradition 187 Bernard F. Batto 15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 197 James K. Hoffmeier 16 Out of Egypt: Did Israel`s Exodus Include Tales? 209 Susan Tower Hollis 17 The Egyptian Origin of the Ark of the Covenant 223 Scott B. Noegel 18 Moses the Magician 243 Gary A. Rendsburg 19 Egyptian Texts relating to the Exodus: Discussions of Exodus Parallels In the Egyptology Literature 259 Brad C. Sparks Part V The Exodus Narrative as Text 20 The Exodus Narrative Between History and Literary Fiction: The Portrayal of the Egyptian Burden as a Test Case 285 Christoph Bemer 21 Fracturing the Exodus, as Told by Edward Everett Horton 293 Baruch Halpem 22 The Revelation of the Divine Name to Moses and the Construction of a Memory About the Origins of the Encounter Between Yhwh and Israel 305 Thomas Romer 23 The Structure of Legal Administration in the Moses Story... 317 Stephen C. Russell 24 Distinguishing the World of the Exodus Narrative from the World of Its Narrators: The Question of the Priestly Exodus Account in Its Historical Setting 331 Konrad Schmid Part VI The Exodus in Later Reception and Perception 25 The Despoliation of Egypt: Origen and Augustine—From Stolen Treasures to Saved Texts 347 Joel S. Allen 26 Leaving Home: Philo of Alexandria on the Exodus 357 Rene Bloch 27 Hero and Villain: An Outline of the Exodus Pharaoh in Artapanus 365 Caterina Moro 28 The Exodus in Islam: Citationality and Redemption 377 Babak Rahimi 29 From Liberation to Expulsion: The Exodus in the Earliest Jewish-Pagan Polemics 387 Pieter W. van der Horst Part Vn The Exodus as Cultural Memory 30 The Exodus and the Bible: What Was Known; What Was Remembered; What Was Forgotten? 399 William G. Dever 31 Exodus as a Mnemo-Narrative: An Archaeological Perspective 409 Aren M. Maeir 32 Remembering Egypt 419 Victor H. Matthews 33 The Exodus and History 429

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