Into All the World :

Harding, Mark and Nobbs, Alanna

Into All the World : Emergent Christianity in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Context / Edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs - Michigan : William B. Eerdamns Publishing Company ; 2017. - 403 p. ;

The acts of the apostles as a source for studying early christianity
2. The Johannine purpose and outline
3.Unity and diversity in early christianity
4. Not as the Gentiles: The ethics of the earliest Christians
5. Jewish Christianity to AD 100
6. The parting of the Ways
7.The letter to the Hebrews
8. Christians and Jews in Antioch
9. Divine cultic activities and the early church
10. The persecution of Christians from Nero to Hardrian
11. Aliens and strangers
12. The book of Revelation
13. Roman political ideology and the authority of first clement


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