Helping Your Child with Worry and Anxiety

Cox, Ann

Helping Your Child with Worry and Anxiety - London Sheldon Press 2021 - 214p - Overcoming Common Problems Series .

Looking after Yourself as a Parent ....15
Common fears and Phobias .....24
Generalized worries and Anxieties .....38
Anxieties and Neurodevelopmental Conditions......50
Anxieties about eating .......63
Social anxiety : worries about being judged by others .........79
Worries about being away from others ........93
Obsessions and Compulsion ......106
Anxieties about Health ........118
Worries and Panic...........131
Helping your Child When Something bad Happens ........145
Managing Worries and Physical Health Conditions .......158
Worries, Self-Harm and Suicidal thoughts....172
Managing Anxiety in the Family ......187


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