Everyday Gita: 365 Days of Wisdom

Bansal, Sunita Pant

Everyday Gita: 365 Days of Wisdom - New Delhi Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd 2022 - 253p

Arjuna`s Dilemma....1
Transcendental Knowledge.......2
Path of Karma Yoga ........32
Path of Gyana Yoga......54
Path of Renunciation .....68
Path of Meditation ..........86
Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth ...108
Attainment of Salvation .......121
Secret of Supreme Knowledge ......135
Manifestation of the Absolute ...151
Vision of the Cosmic Form of Krishna ..157
Path of Bhakti Yoga.......162
Creation and the Creator .........173
Three Qualities of Material Nature ....188
Realization of the Ultimate Truth.197
Divine and the Demonic Nature ..............205
Threefold Faith .....210
Final Revelation of the Ultimate Truth.....225


S38 / B227

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