Masters of Mahamudra: Songs and Histories of the Eighty-Four Buddhist Siddhas

Dowman, Keith

Masters of Mahamudra: Songs and Histories of the Eighty-Four Buddhist Siddhas - New Delhi Dev Publishers and Distributors 2020 - 454p

Songs and Legends of the Eighty Four Mahasiddhas ..........33
The Mahadissha Luipa, The Fish - Gut Eater........33
The Mahasiddha Virupa, Dakini Master ..............43
The Mahadissha Saraha, The Great Brahmin .............66
The Siddha Kankaripa, The Lovelorn Widower .....73
The Nath Siddha Goraksa, The Immoral Cowherd...........81
The Nath Siddha Caurangipa, The Dismembered Stepson .........86
The Siddha Vinapa, The Musician .........91
The Mahasiddha Tantipa, The Senile Weaver ........100
The Mahasiddha Nagarjuna, Philosopher and Alchemist .......114
The Mahasiddha Aryadeva The One Eyed ...........132
The Mahasiddha Naropa, The Dauntless..........142
The Mahasiddha Tilopa, The Great Renunciate .....151
The Siddha Catrapa, The Lucky Beggar .........156


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