Open Your Heart to God Through Bhakti Yoga: Yoga of Devotion: Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda and other Great Masters

Krishnaswami, O R

Open Your Heart to God Through Bhakti Yoga: Yoga of Devotion: Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda and other Great Masters - New Delhi Dev Publishers and Distributors 2014 - 389p

The Goal of Life ......1
Yoga and the Goal of Life .....9
What is God ?......21
Bhakti Yoga......41
Aims of Bhakti Yoga ........52
Characteristics of Bhakti.....63
The Philosophy of Bhakti Yoga.....71
Worldly Love and Divine Love .....78
Stages of Bhakti .....88
Qualification and Qualities of a Devotee...106
Guru`s Role ....119
Cultivation of Bhakti.....199
Divine Grace ......310
Practice of Bhakti in Action .........316
Dangers and Degeneration of Bhakti .........323
God- Realization ........328
Worldly Person and God-Realization......338
World Teachers and Great Devotees.........352


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