The Persuasive Portrayal of Solomon in 1 Kings 1-11

Kang, Jung Ju

The Persuasive Portrayal of Solomon in 1 Kings 1-11 - Bern Peter Lang 2003 - 316p - European University Studies .

1. A Review of Recent Studies on the Book of Kings and the Need for a Rhetorical Approach ......19
The Focus of Modern theories on Kings.......20
The Need for a Rhetorical Approach to Kings .........51
2. Rhetorical Criticism and Kings .........73
Rhetorical Criticism and Rhetoric ............74
Rhetorical Criticism for the Study of Kings .........91
3. Defining the Limits of the Solomon Narrative as a Rhetorical Unit ..........101
1 Kings 1-2 as the Beginning of the Solomon narrative.........102
1 Kgs 1-2 within 1 kgs 1-11 as a Rhetorical Unit .....112
4. The Rhetorical Arrangement and Style in 1 Kings 1-11........141
The Structuring devices of 1 Kgs 1-11 and the OT, and the Reader ........146
A Review of Previous Studies on the Structure of 1 Kings 1-11.......155
Evaluation, and the Structural Function of Repetition in 1 Kgs 1-11......165
The Rhetorical Arrangement of 1 Kgs 1-11 in the light of Classical rhetoric .....204
5. Argumentation in 1 Kgs 1-11....213
Arguments in 1 Kgs 1-11..........217
6. The Rhetorical Situation and the Reader .....265
The Possible Rhetorical Situations of Kings and 1 Kgs 1-11 in the light of Scholars Observations and other exilic and Post -exilic books ........265


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