Engaging the Passion: Perspectives on the Death of Jesus

Yarbrough, Oliver Larry

Engaging the Passion: Perspectives on the Death of Jesus - Minneapolis Fortress Press 2015 - 441p

1. The Texts
The Passion of Christ in the Letters of Paul .............7
Synoptic Passions........27
It is Accomplished! The Passion in the Gospel of John ......59
2. Liturgy and Music
The Passion in Christian Liturgy......83
Musical Settings of the Passion Texts .....111
3. Literature
The Passion in American Literature ......149
Dostoevsky`s Fiery Furnace of Doubt..187
Frodo and the Passion in J R R Tolkien`s The Lord of the Rings ......211
4. Images
The Alexamenos Graffito .....231
Engaging the Lothar Cross......239
Albrecht Durer`s The Kiss of Judas or Der Heyligen schryfts Studiren...........247
Titian`s Noli Me Tangere .......257
Manet`s Dead Christ with Angels .....267
Marc Chagall`s Jewish Jesus .....277
Can You Feel Me ........287
Banksy`s Christimas Passion ......297
Dying for our Sins ...............311
5. Other Traditions
On Pesach and Pascha ........335
The Death of Jesus in Islam ........359
6. Ethics and Theology
Theological Themes in the Passion ......387
Self-Giving, NonViolence, Peacemaking ........405


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