Redemptive Change: Atonement and the Christian Cure of the Soul

Reno, R R

Redemptive Change: Atonement and the Christian Cure of the Soul - Pennsylvania Trinity Press International 2002 - 267p - Theology for the Twenty First Century Series .

1. Two Poles of Criticism ........19
Crushing Authoritarianism.......24
Vain Overreaching .....36
An Analytic Statement of the Criticism ......46
Modern Humanism defined ............52
2. Redemption without Change .......55
Rousseau and the Gap....59
Draining the Gap of Moral significance .......67
The Price of Consistency ...........75
3. A Mitigated Humanism ......81
The Curse of Overreaching ........83
Salvation through Custom and Habit......92
The Contrinuity problem ......97
The Problem of Transformative Desire .........105
4. Vindicating Change ..........111
Wanting to be Different ......115
Moral Faith ....123
Three False Views of Evil ..........136
Kant`s Radical Evil View ........146
5. The Need for Atonement ........153
Personal Potency and the Horror of Dependence ......157
Personal Continuity and the Fear of Difference.....169
The Failure of We-Mattter-Most Humanism ......182
6. Atonement and the Christian Cure of the Soul ......193
The Need for Change .......197
Potency for Change .........213
Continuity in Change.......221
Modern Humanism versus christian Humanism ............239


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