The Trinity Guide to Eschatology: The Last Things

Due, William J La

The Trinity Guide to Eschatology: The Last Things - New York Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd 2004 - 166p

1. The Biblical and Historical background
2.Bultmann, Cullmann, and Tillich: Classic Protestant approaches to Eschatology in the Twentieth Century
3. Rahner, Boros, and Ratzinger: Traditional Twentieth-Century Catholic presentations of Eschatology
4.Kungt, Hellwig, and von Balthsar: Other recent complementary visions of Eschatology
5. John A T Robinson, Pannenberg, and Moltmann: Contemporary Protestant directions in Eschatology
6. Macquarrie, Suchocki, and Hick: Three divergent voices
7. Further thoughts on Eschatology: Orthodox, liberationist, and feminist theologians


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