Deep Calls to Deep: Mysticism, Scripture, and Contemplation

Thralls, Chad

Deep Calls to Deep: Mysticism, Scripture, and Contemplation - Bangalore Theological Publications in India 2021 - 176p

What is Mysticism ? ............1
The Relevance of Mysticism .......8
2. The Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture.........11
Origin of Alexandria ......13
Two Contemporary Challenges .....17
The Spiritual Richness of Scripture .....19
Reading like a Mystic ..........22
3. Mystical Discourse ........27
Image of God .......27
How images work ..............32
Apophatic Language .........33
Sinai and Tabor ...........39
Complementary Paths .......40
4. A Contemplative Anthropology.........43
The Inner Self........46
Thomas Merton`s True and False Self ......56
Three More Characteristics of the False Self ..........65
Kenosis ......71
Who Am I ......75
5. The Experience of God in Scripture and Mystics ........77
6.Contemplative Prayer ......87
The Fruits of Contemplative Practice....102
Authenticity .....110
7. The Mystical Life ....113
Interior Dispositions ........114
Characteristics of Mystical Activity .........132
8. Mysticism and the Natural World .........143
The Cosmic Christ ........146
Deep Incarnation .....150
Attention .......151
Begin where we are ......155


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