What We Have Seen and Heard: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World

Connors, Michael E

What We Have Seen and Heard: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World - Bengaluru Theological Publications in India 2019 - 270p

Intensifying the Apostolic Activity of God`s People .............1
The Ecumenical Renewal of Baptismal Spirituality Foundation for Ministry ......13
A Wider Witness: From Lay Vocation to the Call of Missionary Discipleship .........29
A Wider Witness : From Lay Vocation to the Call of Missionary Discipleship ...........29
Gaudium Et Spes: Reconsidered and Re-Projected ............41
What we Have seen and Heard in the One Spirit Given to All .........57
From Missions to Missions : Trinity, World Christianity, and Baptismal witness .......74
A Baptismal Faith that Does Justice.....89
Religious Witness in the Struggle Against Apartheid .....101
Spiritualities of Lay Witness in the World ........115
Hispanic Lay Movements in the Postconciliar Church ..........136
The Domestic Church and Witness ........151
Baptismal Witness in the World of Commerce ......165
Lay ecclesial Ministry as One Flowering of Baptismal Witness .........179
The Vocation of the Lay Theologian as Baptismal Witness .........191
Naomi and Ruth in the House of Bread ........206
Preaching to the Baptized in a Secular Age: The Role of Classic Homiletics as Cultivator of the Biblical Imagination ......217
A Priesthood worthy of Gaudium et Pes and Apostolicam Actuositatem ......236
Rebuilding a Vital Parish Culture .........247
The Legacy and Challenge of the Council in a World Church .......259


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