The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts

O`Laverty, H

The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts - Bangalore I J A Publication 2004 - 198p

The Immaculate Conception ........1
The Nativity of Mary........9
The Presentation of Mary in the Temple ..........17
The Annunciation. The Beautiful Intellect of Mary........23
The First Christmas night .............31
The Prophecy of Holy Simeon........39
The Flight into Egypt ..........47
The Three Days Loss.............53
Mary During the Hidden Life ..............61
The Department of Jesus from Nazareth .........69
The Meeting with Jesus Carrying his Cross...........77
Mary Stands beneath the Cross of Jesus ..........85
The Taking down from the Cross..........93
The Burial of Jesus ...........101
Our Lady of Lourdes..........109
The Month of Mary .......117
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament .......125
Our Lady Help of Christians .............133
Our Lady of Mount Carmel ................141
The Month of the Rosary .............149
Our Lady of La Salette ...........157
The Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception ...........165
Our Lady of Good Counsel .............173
The Immaculate Heart of Mary ........181
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin ...........189


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