The Concept of Canon in the Reception of the Epistle to the Hebrews

Young, David

The Concept of Canon in the Reception of the Epistle to the Hebrews - London T & T Clark 2022 - 161p - Library of NewTestament Studies - 658 .

1.The history of Hebrews` reception history : Methodological considerations and a review of the scholarly literature on Hebrew`s reception
2. Translating authorship into authority: The reception of Hebrews in fourth-century discourses on Christian Scriptures
3. Quoting Hebrews: Patristic citations of Hebrews in the second and third centuries
4. Editing Paul: Hebrews among editions of the Pauline Corpus
5. Translating Paul: The role of Latinity in the reception of Hebrews


B70.1 / J826

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