Semeia 50: Approaching Yehud: New Approaches to the Study of the Persian Period

Berquist, Jon L

Semeia 50: Approaching Yehud: New Approaches to the Study of the Persian Period - Atlanta Society of Biblical Literature 2007 - 249p - Semeia - 50 .

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in The Persian Period, Intertextuality In The Persian Period, What Mean These Stones? Inscriptions,Textuality and Power in Persia And Yehud, Scholars,Witches,ideologues,and What the Text Said: Ezra 9-10 andIts Interpretation, How Lonely Sits the City: Identity and The Creation of History, A World Under Control: Isaiah 60 and the Apadana Reliefs From Persepolis, An Exiles Baggage:Toward a Postcolonial Reading of Ezekiel, Diaspora and Homeland in the Early Achaemenid Period: Community,Geography and Demography in Zechariah 1-8, The Strange Woman in Persian Yehud: A Reading of Proverbs 7, Qoheleth in Love and Trouble, Psalms,Postcolonialism and the Construction of the Self


B45.41 / SE521

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