Semeia 53: The Fourth Gospel from a Literary Perspective

Culpepper, R Alan and Segovia, Fernando F

Semeia 53: The Fourth Gospel from a Literary Perspective - Atlanta Society of Biblical Literature 1991 - 212p - Semeia - 53 .

The Journey`s of the Word of God: A Reading of the Plot Of the Fourth Gospel, Stumbling in the Dark,Reading for the Light: Reading Character in John 5 and 9, Johannine Metaphor-Meaning and Function: A Literary Case Study of Joh 10:1-18, Putting Life back into the Lazarus Story and Its Reading, The Johannine Hypodeigma: A Reading of John 13:1-38, "i have Overcome the World: Narrative ZTime in John 13-17, The Final farewell of Jesus: A Reading of John 20:30-21:25


B45.41 / SE521

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