A Future for Education: The Global Compact on Education Guidelines

Congregation for Catholic Education,

A Future for Education: The Global Compact on Education Guidelines - Trivandrum Carmel International Publishing House 2023 - 222p

1. Pope Francis, message for the launch of the global compact on education
2. Pope Francis, video message on the occasion of the meeting global compact on education: Together to look beyond
3. Pope Francis, address to the participants in the meeting religions and education: Towards a global compact on education
4. Pope Francis, message for the celebration of the 55th world day of peace. dialogue between generations, education and world: Tools for building lasting peace
5. Vincenzo Buonomo, in search of a new model of peace and citizenship: A focus in light of the global compact on education
6. Roberto Catalano, the educational village. a locus for intercultural and interreligious education


G10.7 / C760

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