Hermeneutics of Vatican II

Pathil, Kuncheria

Hermeneutics of Vatican II - Bengaluru Dharmaram Publications 2023 - 285p - Jeevadhara Book Series - 1 .

Pathil, Kuncheria Introduction
Kundukulam, Vincent Introducing the Science of Hermeneutics
Kallungal, Martin Sebastian Hermeneutical Keys for the Interpretation of the Texts of Vatican II
Pathil, Kuncheria Vatican II: Call for Renewal in the Church
D’Lima, Errol Kingdom of God, Church and World: A Vatican II Perspective
Amaladoss, Michael Renewing Patterns of Worship
Wilfred, Felix Merging of Borders: Pastoral Relationship of the Church to the World
Pathil, Kuncheria Theology of the Role of the Laity in Vatican II
Veliath' Dominic The Implications of Lumen Gentium: A New Way of Being Church
Kalliath, Antony Being Missional in the Meeting of Religions
Pathil, Kuncheria Theology of the Local Church
Prabhu, George M. Soares The Church as Mission: A Reflection on Mt 5:13-16
Kavungal, Jacob Mission Without the Church?
Karokaran, Anto Individual Conversions or Evangelization of Cultures?
Puthanangady, Paul Salvation and Evangelization
Pathil, Kuncheria Church and Churches in Vatican II: A Case for Rethinking


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