The Elements of Moral Philosophy

Rachels, James and Rachels, Stuart

The Elements of Moral Philosophy - 10 - New York McGraw Hill LLC 2023 - 208p

Includes index.

What is morality,
The challenge of cultural relativism,
Subjectivism in ethics,
Does morality depend on religion,
Ethical egoism,
The social contract theory,
The utilitarian approach,
The debate over utilitarianism,
Are there absolute moral rules,
Kant and respect for persons,
Feminism and the ethics of care,
Virtue ethics,
What would a satisfactory moral theory be like

"Moral philosophy is the study of what morality is and what it requires of us. As Socrates said, it's about "how we ought to live"-and why. It would be helpful if we could begin with a simple, uncontroversial definition of what morality is. Unfortunately, we cannot. There are many rival theories, each expounding a different conception of what it means to live morally, and any definition that goes beyond Socrates's simple formula-tion is bound to offend at least one of them. This should make us cautious, but it need not paralyze us. In this chapter, I will describe the "minimum conception" of morality"--

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