Dogma and Preaching: Applying Christian Doctrine to Daily Life

Miller, Michael J and O`Connell, Matthew J

Dogma and Preaching: Applying Christian Doctrine to Daily Life - San Francisco Ignatius Press 2011

Part one,
Toward a theory of preaching,
Church as the Place of Preaching,
Standards of Preaching the Gospel Today,
Christocentrism in preaching?,
Theology and preaching in the Dutch Catechism,
Part Two,
Some major themes of preaching,
Contemporary man facing the Question of God,
Preaching God Today,
Praying in our Time,
Theses for Christology,
What does Jesus Christ mean to me?,
Following Christ,
Belief in Creation and the theory of Evolution,
Gratia Praesupponit Naturam: Grace Presupposes Nature,
The Christian and the Modern World,
On the Understanding of "Person" in Theology,
Farewell to the Devil?,
On the Spirit of Brotherhood,
The Anthropological Basis of Brotherly Love,
Church as the Locus of Service to the Faith,
Bishop and Church,
On the meaning of Church Architecture,
On the theology of Death,
What comes after death?,
Resurrection and life everlasting,
Part Three,
Meditations and Sermons,
The Liturgical year,
The Genealogy of Jesus,
Good Friday,
The Mystery of the Easter Vigil,
Resurrection as Mission,
Easter today,
The ascension of Christ,
Mind Spirit, and Love: A Meditation on Pentecost,
The Meaning of Advent,
Three meditations on Christmas,
Do we have reason to Celebrate?
Meditation for New Tear`s Eve,
The Communion of saints,
The visitation,
The assemption of Mary,
Sermon for the feast of Saint Augustine,
Meditation on the day of a First Mass,
Ten years after the beginning of the Council- where do we stand?
What good is Christianity now?


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