Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

Flemming, Dean

Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling - Downers Grove, Illinois IVP Academic 2013 - 288p

A People of Blessing,
Israel`s Missional life,
A Story to tell to the nations?,
Israel`s witness of the Word,
Announcing and Embodying God`s Reign,
The full mission of Jesus,
Doer, Teacher, Savior,
Portraits of mission in the Synoptic Gospels,
A Mission of sending Love,
Being, Doing and telling in John`s Gospel,
You will be my witnesses,
Speaking and living the Gospel in Acts,
Compelled by Christ`s Love,
Paul`s Holistic Mission,
Partners in the Gospel,
The Missional life of Paul`s Churches,
Mission from the margins,
Being, Doing and Telling in 1 Peter,
Following the Lamb,
Word and Life Mission in Revelation,
What difference does it make?,
Concluding reflections


B67.75 / F629

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