Current Trends in Philosophy of Science: A Prospective for the Near Future

Gonzalez, Wenceslao J

Current Trends in Philosophy of Science: A Prospective for the Near Future - Switzerland Springer 2022 - 298p - Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science - 462 .

1. From the Current Trends in Philosophy of Science
to the Prospects for the Near Future
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez
Part I Philosophy of Medicine and Climate Change
2. Philosophy of Science Meets Medicine (Again):
A Clearer-Sighted View of the Virtues of Blinding
and of Tests for Blinding in Clinical Trials
John Worrall
3. Environmental Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Joe Roussos, Richard Bradley, and Roman Frigg
Part II Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet
4. Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy of Science
from the 1990s to 2020
Donald Gillies and Marco Gillies
5. Whatever Happened to the Logic of Discovery?
From Transparent Logic to Alien Reasoning
Thomas Nickles
6. Scientific Side of the Future of the Internet as a Complex System.
The Role of Prediction and Prescription of Applied Sciences
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez
Part III New Analyses of Probability and the Use of Mathematics
7. From Logical to Probabilistic Empiricisms Arguments for Pluralism
Maria Carla Galavotti
8. Instrumental Realism A New Start for the Philosophy of Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science
Ladislav Kvasz
Part IV Scientific Progress Revisited
9. Scientific Progress and the Search for Truth
Philip Kitcher
10. The Logic of Qualitative Progress in Nomic, Design, and Explicative Research
Theo A. F. Kuipers
Part V Scientific Realism and the Instrumentalist Alternative
11. Explicating Inference to the Best Explanation
Ilkka Niiniluoto
12. Re-inflating the Realism-Instrumentalism Controversy
Stathis Psillos


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