Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement, and Touch in Practice

McConnell, Susan

Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement, and Touch in Practice - Berkeley, California North Atlantic Books 2020 - 306p

Chapter 1. Introduction to Somatic IFS and the Practices that Lead to Embodied Self
Chapter 2. Somatic Awareness : Reading the Body Story
Chapter 3. Conscious Breathing : Integrating Inner and Outer World
Chapter 4. Radical Resonance : Potentiating Relational Realms
Chapter 5. Mindful Movement : Restoring the Flow
Chapter 6. Attuned Touch : Exploring the Power of Ethical Touch
Chapter 7. Embidied self : The Internal System Embodied



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