The Churches of Syrian Antioch (300-638 CE)

Mayer, Wendy and Allen, Pauline

The Churches of Syrian Antioch (300-638 CE) - Leuven, Belgium Peeters 2012 - 372p - Late Antique History and Religion .

Part 1: Survey of the Churches.
St Babylas ........
St Barlaam....
Campus martius......
Church of Cassian.......
Church in the New (City)..........
Church in Machouka......
Church in Seleucia Pieria (lower city)
Church in Seleucia Pieria (upper city)
Sts Cosmas and Damian
St Dometius ........
Great Church ..........
Church of the Holy Prophets
St Ignatius ........
John the Baptist .........
St John ........
St Julian .......
St Leontius ........
Church of the Maccabees
Martyrium of the Maccabees (Daphne).......
Martyrium at the Romanesian gate
Martyrium at the Temple of Apollo (Daphne).
Church of Michael the Archangel
Churches of Michael the Archangel in Daphne.
Palaia .......
St Romanus.......
St Stephen protomartyr
Symeon Stylites the Elder
Church of the Theotokos
Martyrium of Thomas
Church of Thomas the Apostle (Seleucia Pieria)
Non-specific data
Part 2: Influences and Motives
Phase One: Before Constantine
Phase Two: Constantine to Theodosius I
Phase Three: Theodosius II to Zeno
Phase Four: Anastasius to Heraclius
Part 3: Use and Function
Martyrium or Church?
The Cathedral Church
Stational Use of Churches and Liturgical Processions
Mobile Bodies and Private Veneration
Possession, Dispossession, and Repossession
Liturgical Organization and Corporate Use..
More than a Place of Worship
Index to Illustrations
Tables 1-4
Index of Primary Sources...
Index of Modern Authors
General Index.
Illustrations. Figs. 1-142


E67 / M452

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