Jeevodaya-A Gift of God: Glimpses of 25 Years


Jeevodaya-A Gift of God: Glimpses of 25 Years - Bengaluru PMI Publications 2020 - 90p

1. Foreword
2. Acknowledgement.
3. Message
4. Introduction...
5. Sisters of the Holy Cross........
6. Biblical Foundation..
7. Birth of Jeevodaya.
8. PMI Karnataka.
9. Jail Visit..
10. God's Care and Protection.
11. Carmelaram...
12. Aims and Objectives
13. Factors of Transformation.
14. Daily Life.
15. Testimonials and Life Stories.
16. Muthu and Neelu.
17. Millie
18. Kalavathi....
19. Ashwathi.
20. Chinni
21. Sitara..
7. Dimple.
8. Vinu..
9. Pritty..
10. Meena...
11. Geetha..
12. Shelly.
13. Neeli..
14. Shreeja..
15. Munni..
17. Ayesha...
18. Nithya
19. Kirthy.
20. Varsha
21. Swarna..
22. Struggles of a Family.
23. My Life in Jeevodaya
24. My Impression about Jeevodaya....
25. Conclusion.

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