Science and Anthropology in a Post-Truth World: A Critique of Unreason and Academic Nonsense

Sidky, H

Science and Anthropology in a Post-Truth World: A Critique of Unreason and Academic Nonsense - Lanham Lexington Books 2021 - 230p

1 The War on Science and Reason and the Way to Post-Truth
2 Delegitimizing Science in the Academy: Ideological
3 Science Studies and the Anthropology of Science:
How Postmodernists Sought to Demystify Truth
4 The Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, Incomprehensibility,
and the Sokal Hoax
5 American Intellectual Contributions to Science Delegitimation:
Kuhn and Feyerabend
6 Epistemic Relativism: Is the World Truly Unknowable?
7 Epistemology: How Do We Know What We Know?
8 The Problem of Pseudoscience in Post-Truth America
9 Postmodern Anthropology: Epistemic Relativism and
Incoherence as an Experimental Moment?
10 Paranormal and Theistic Anthropology: From Postmodernism
to Post-Truth Supernaturalism
11 From Postmodernism to Post-Truth United States
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