Introducing Evangelical Theology

Treier, Daniel J

Introducing Evangelical Theology - Grand Rapids, Michigan Baker Academic 2019 - 439p

Part 1 Knowing the Triune God
1. The Creed: Faith Seeking Understanding
2. The Ten Commandments: A Community's Moral Formation
3. The Lord's Prayer: The Church's Spiritual Formation
Part 2 The Father, the Almighty Lord
4. The Triune Name of God
5. The Character of Providence
6. The Goodness of Creation
7. Human Beings
Part 3 The Son, the Mediating Logos
8. The Identity of Jesus Christ
9. The Ministry of Reconciliation
10. Sin and Salvation
11. The Gospel in Christian Traditions
Part 4 The Holy Spirit, the Life Giver
12. God's Empowering Presence
13. Scripture
14. Church
15. All Things New


C67.2 / T717

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