Encountering Christ in the Eucharist: The Paschal Mystery in People, Word, and Sacrament

Morrill, Bruce T

Encountering Christ in the Eucharist: The Paschal Mystery in People, Word, and Sacrament - New York Paulist Press 2012 - 134p

Christ's Sacramental Presence
Mystery: Revelation of God's Saving Love for Humanity
Celebrating the Liturgy: Participation in Christ's
Paschal Mystery
Renewing Liturgical Tradition: Life for the Church,
Life for the World
Encountering Christ in the Eucharistic Celebration
Chapter 1-Hidden Presence: The Mystery of the
Assembly as Body of Christ
The Assembly of the Baptized.
Sacramental Character: Sealed in the Spirit for
Lives of Worship
Church: People Assembled to Share in the Divine-
Human Covenant
A "Certain Violence" in Assembling: Liturgy as
A Humbling Presence through Participation.
Chapter 2-Holy Scripture: Revelation of the Mystery
in Our Time
Worship Infused with the Word
A Tale of Trouble Turned Teachable Moment
Christ Comes: The Word of God
Hearing and Responding to the Word over Time.
Appropriating Christ's Word: The Power of Paschal
Chapter 3-Eucharistic Communion: Christ's
Abiding Presence
Sharing from the One Table: Word and Eucharist
What Sacrifice to Offer?
God's Glory in Jesus: Mutual Presence in a Fierce,
Abiding Love
Sacramental Rite: Christ's Presence in Remembrance
Eucharistic Prayer: Transformative Power in
Word and Spirit
Chapter 4-Leadership for Christ's Body: Liturgy
and Ministry
Christ's Body: A Priestly and Prophetic People
Priestly Ministry: Lessons from History
Liturgical Presidency: Sacrament within a Sacrament
Liturgical Ministries: Shaping the Liturgy's Space


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