A Manual for Problem Solving in Bible Translation

Larson, Mildred

A Manual for Problem Solving in Bible Translation - Michigan Zondervan Publication House 1975 - 245p

includes index and biblioraphy

Idiomatic versus literal Translation
Fidelity in Translation
Implicit and Explict Information
Analyzing The Componants of meaning in a word
The Nature of multiple senses
Translating multiple senses
Figurative senses and symbolic actions
The Nature of metaphor and simile
Translating metaphor and simile
Concordance and meanings in context
Collocational clash
Lexical Equivalence across languages WHen concepts are shared
Lexical Equivalence across languages When thigs or events are unknown
Multiple functuions of gramatical stuctures
Rhetorical Questions
Genitive construction
Propositions and semantic structures
Relations between propositions
Larger semantic units
Analizing and displaying the propositions within A paragraph
The organization of discourseouping
Information load


B12 / L329

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