
Quasten, Johannes

Patrology Vol.3: The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature from the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon - Notre dame Christian Classics, Inc 1992 - 605p

includes index and biblioraphy

the writers of alexandria and egypt Arius ................ Alexander of Alexandria ................ 13 Athanasius ...................... 20 Serapion of Thmuis .................. 80 His writings 81: i. Against the Manichaeans 81; 2. The Euchologion 82; 3. Letters 84 Didymus the Blind ................... 85 His writings 86: the theology of didymus 93: Theophilus of Alexandria ................ 100 His writings 101: Synesius of Gyrene ................... 106 Nonnus of Panopolis ..................114 Cyril of Alexandria .................. 116 the founders of egyptian monasticism ........ 146 St. Antony ...................... 148 Letters 150; Rule 152; Sermons 153 Ammonas ...................... 153 Pachomius ...................... 154 The Rule of Pachomius 155; Letters 158 The Lives of St. Pachomius 158 Horsiesi ....................... 159 Theodore ....................... 160 Letters 161 Macarius the Egyptian ................. 161 Macarius the Alexandrian ............... 168 Evagrius of Pontus ................... 169 Palladius ....................... 176 Isidore of Pelusium .................. 180 Shenoute of Atripe ................... 185 The Apophthegmata Patrum ................ 187 the writers of asia minor .............. 190 Eusebius of Nicomedia ................. 190 Theognis of Nicaea .................. 193 Asterius the Sophist .................. 194 Marcellus of Ancyra .................. 197 Basil of Ancyra ....................201 the cappadocian fathers ............... 203 Basil the Great .................... 204 k.cacius of Caesarea .................. 345 Jelasius of Caesarea .................. 347 Ecclesiastical History 347; 2 . Expositio Symboli 348; 3. Against the Anomoeans 348 His writings 349; Biblical Commentaries 351 christianity and manichaeism ............. 356 3egemonius ..................... 357 Fitus of Bostra .................... 359 His writings 359: i. Against the Manichaeans 359; 2. Commentary on St. Luke 361; 3. Sermon on Epiphany 361 Syril of Jerusalem ................... 362 His writings 363: i. The Catechetical Lectures 363; 2. Letter to the Emperor Constantius 367; 3. Homilies 368 theological aspects 369: i. Christology 369; 2. Holy Spirit 371; 3. Baptism 372; 4. Eucharist 375 His writings 377: i. Exegetical Works 377; 2. Apologetic Works 378; 3. Polemic Works 378; 4. Dogmatic Works 378; 5. Poetry 380; 6. Cor¿respondence with Basil the Great 381 theological aspects 381 Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature from the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon. V3.

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