Recent Theological Debates in Europe

Schrijver, Georges De

Recent Theological Debates in Europe Their Impact on Interreligious Dialogue - Bangalore Dharmaram Publications 2004 - 369p - Bishop Jonas Thaliath Endowment Lectures; 200400ENGGPC3 .

includes index and biblioraphy

GIANNIVATTIMO AND THE COMEBACK OF RELIGION.................................................................. 1 presentation of His basic ideas.................................... 3 looking back atthe asian context.......................... 13 JOHN MILBANK AND THE SELF-EXALTATION OF CHRISTIAN FAITH............................................................... 37 presentation of His basic ideas.................................. 37 milbank`s attack on liberation theologies........... 63 Ridiculing Liberation Theologians` Commitment to the Uplifting of the Poor......................................... 63 Question of Mediations......................................... 70 looking back at the asian context.......................... 82 TRANSCENDENTAL METHOD AND ITS APPROPRIATION BY KARL RAHNER........................... 123 transcendental method ........................................... 123 karl rahner: transcendental method in rrs heideggerian version................................................ 155 by way of conclusion: the assessment of theism in rahner and heidegger ............................. 175 KARL RAHNER ON THE UNIVERSALITY OF GOD`S GRACE............................................................... 181 rahner`s theory of the `anonymous christian`: the balthasar-rahner dispute ... 230 IGNACIO ELLACURIA: SHOULDERING THE WEIGHT OF REALITY............................................. confronting the `sin of the world`: towards a higher synthesis of balthasar and rahner ......... 263 Status of the Question................................................263 Hans Urs van Balthasar`s Kenotic Understanding of the Trinity..................266 Recent Theological Debates in Europe ignacio ellacuri`a`s distinct contribution to a praxis of liberation: a zubirian influence........... 290 Zubiri: Sentient Intelligence...................................... 297 Mind (Logos) and Reason.................................... 297 Ignacio Ellacuria: The Confrontation with Social Reality............................................................ 300 Intermediary Conclusion........................................... 576 ignacio ellacuria and the historicisation of faith.......................... 318 Ellacuria and the Spiritual Exercises oflgnatius of Loyola........................ 319 Ellacuria`s Vision of the `Sin of the World`............... 323 The Church of the Poor, Historical Sacrament of Liberation .............................................................326 The Crucified People and the Servant ofYahweh...... 330 By Way of Conclusion: Suffering Servants in Non-Christian Religions................................................... 337

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