The Bible in Pastoral Practice:

Ballard, Paul and Holmes, Stephen R

The Bible in Pastoral Practice: Readings in the Place and Function of Scripture in the Church - Michigan William B.Eerdmans Publishing Co 2005 - 316p - Using the Bible in Pastoral Practice; 1 .

includes index and biblioraphy

Part I: Listening to the Tradition
Introduction 1
1. The Church before the Bible 5
Christine Trevett
2. The Patristic hermeneutic heritage 25
Lewis Ayres
3. The Eastern Orthodox tradition for today 42
Demetrios Bathrellos
4. The medieval experience 59
Roger Ellis
5. The impact of the Reformation and emerging modernism 78
Carl Trueman
6. From Schleiermacher to Barth: meeting the challenge of critical
scholarship 97
Hueston F inlay
Part II: The Problems Posed by Contemporary Biblical Scholarship
Introduction 117
7. The gifts and challenges of historical and literary criticism 121
John Rogerson
8. In front of the text: the quest of hermeneutics 135
Craig Bartholomew
9. The re-emergence of Scripture: post-liberalism
Walter Brueggemann
10. Contextual and advocacy readings of the Bible
Zoe Bennett and Christopher Rowland
Part III: The Bible and Pastoral Theology and Practice
11. The Bible and pastoral care
Herbert Anderson
12. The Church as ethical community
John Colwell
13. The Bible, worship and pastoral care
David Lyall
14. The Scriptures in preaching
Michael Quicke
15. The Bible in evangelical spirituality
Derek Tidball
16. Ignatius Loyola, prayer and Scripture
Philip Endean
17. Bible, music and pastoral theology
Pamela Couture
18. The Bible and the arts
Gail Ricciuti

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