The Idea of Ancient India

Singh, Upinder

The Idea of Ancient India Essays on Religion, Politics and Archaeology - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd 2016 - 439p

includes index and biblioraphy

1. Religion and Region ............1
Sanchi: The History of the Patronage of an Ancient buddhist Establishement ...........3
Nagarjunakonda: Buddhism in the City of Victory ............43
Cults and Shrines in Early Historical Mathura .........73
Early medieval Orissa: the Data and the Debate .........100
2. Archaeologists and the MOdern histories of Ancient sites .....121
Archaeologists and architectural Scholars in 19th Century India ..........123
Amaravati : The dismembering of the Mahacaitya ........147
Buddhism, Archaeology, and the Nation: Nagarjunakonda (1926-2006)..............191
Exile and return : The reinvention of Buddhism and buddhist sites in Modern India ...............222
3. The intersection of political Ideas and Practice...........271
Governing the state and the self: Political Philosophy and Practice in the edicts of Asoka ..............273
Politics, Violence, and War in Kamandaka`s Nitisara..........304
The power of a poet :Kingship, Empire, and War in Kalidasa`s Raghuvamsa..........342
4. Looking beyond India to Asia ...............369
Gifts from other Lands : Southest Asian Religious Endowments in India ..................371
politics, Piety, and patronage: The burmese engagement with bodhgaya .........394

9789351506461 1250

Archaeology and Religion
Archaeology- Political Aspects
Buddhism - India
Sacred Space

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