The Concept of Intentionality

Mohanty, Jitendra Nath

The Concept of Intentionality - Indiana Warren H Green Inc. 1972 - 212p

includes index and biblioraphy

brentano`s concept of intentionality .................. 3 chisholm and the brentano thesis ..................... 25 can intentionality be explained away? .................. 36 husserl`s criticisms of brentano`s concept of intentionality ......................................... 51 husserl`s concept of intentionality Consciousness and Intentional Act .................... 59 Analysis of an Intentional Act in ihi Logische Untersuchungen .................................... 64 Further Analysis in the Ideas I ........................ 72 Deepening of the Concept of Intentionality in the Voiltsungeii Zur Phanomenohgie Des Inneren Zeitbewusitwins husserl`s concept of intentionality - II ................ 96 Intentionality as Noetic-Noematic Correlation .......... 96 Intentionality as Constituting Function .................. 107 The Dialectics of Intention and Fulfillment .............. 123 the existentialist conception of intentionality ........ 128 Heidegger ......................................... 129 Sartre ............................................. 132 Merleau-Ponty ...................................... 137 Paul Ricoeur ....................................... 143 Existential Phenomenology and Husserl ................. 148 intentionality and reflexivity .......................... 153 achievements and prospects ............................ 178


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