Demolishing the Divide

Mulloor, Jacob

Demolishing the Divide A Lukan Reading of Fraternity - Kochi Karunikan Books 2011 - 339p

includes index and biblioraphy

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 16 - 39 THE NAZARETH PERICOPE LUKE 4: 16-30 A Literary Analysis Source Na/areth Episode in Synoptic Parallels Structure Criticism The Literary Structure of Luke 4:16-30 Some Literary Traits Misunderstanding: A Literary device in Luke The Diptych: Another Lucan Literary Style Luke 4:18-19, 25-27: A "Community" Reading The Book Of Isaiah: A Brief Look Third Isaiah and His Time Post-Exile: Historical Background of Is 61:1-2 Isaiah 61 Up to Luke 4 Targum and Rabbinic Understanding Qumran and Is 61 Luke 4:18-19: A Composition Analysis The Conflation in Isaiah Citation Isaiah 61 And 58: A Community Link The Sitz im Leben of Is 58:6 Isaiah 58: A Liturgical poem in Social Setting 80 The Community of Is 58: The Rulers and the Ruled 81 Is 61 and the Community 82 Luke 4:25-27: The Community Dimension 83 The Background to Lucan Community 88 - 119 Pre - Lucan Context 88 Death of Herod and Messianic Movements 90 The Socio-Political and Economic Crisis in Jesus` Time 91 Cultural and Religious Crisis 92 The Galilee of Jesus: A Political Furnace 94 The Lucan Community Context 96 Political Atmosphere 97 The Stratification of the Greco-Roman city 99 Luke 4:18-19 and The Lucan Community 101 Good News to the Poor 103 Release to the Captives 105 Recovery of Sight to the Blind 105 Send the Oppressed Free 106 The Rich in Luke`s Community 107 The Highly Literate Audience 108 The Revolution of Lucan community 109 Conclusion 110 LUKE`S RESPONSE TO THE SOCIAL DIVIDE -The Good News as Fraternity Between the Poor and the Rich Parable of the Banquet (Lk 14:15-24) 121 - 136 Text and Context 121 Some Allegorical Interpretations 124 Parable in Its Literary Context 126 Table Fellowship as a Literary Device 127 Reversal of Honor in the Parable 129 The Parable as a Lucan Fraternity Motif 129 The Host and the First Guests 129 The Host and the New Guests 131 Jesus the Friend of the Poor and the Rich 132 Zacchaeus Incident (Lk 19:1-10) 137 - 152 Text and Its Genre 137 Structure of the Text 139 Table-Fellowship with Zacchaeus: Its Implications 141 Zacchaeus: Chief Tax collector, Rich and Sinner 141 The Exploiter is Evangelized 143 Zacchaeus: The "Good news to the poor" 145 Good News as Fraternity in Zacchaeus Episode 146 Conclusion 147 LUKE`S RESPONSE TO RELIGIOUS DIVIDE -The Good News as Jew Gentile Fraternity The Religious Context of the Episode 154 - 175 The Religious Groups 155 The Sadducees 155 The Essenes 156 The Pharisees 158 Scribes 160 Zealots 160 The Proselytes 161 The Samaritans 162 People of the Land ( amme ha-ares) 163 The Gentile Religious Culture 165 God - Fearers 167 Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) 176 - 200 Text and its Genre 176 Some Interpretations 179 Parable and its Literary Structure 181 Fraternity Motif in the Parable 182 Jews - Samaritan Ethnic Conflict 184 The Context of Challenge 185 The Lawyer and the Group Differentiation 186 Group Exclusivity in the Parable 187 The Priest passes by the Victim 187 The Levite Passes by the Victim 188 Revolution in Ethnic Relations 189 Question and Answer: a Reversal in Concepts 190 "Good news to the Poor" and the Parable 191 Jesus Transcends the Closed Solidarity 192 The Samaritan: An Example of Group Fraternity 194 The Centurion Episode (Lk 7:1-10) 201 - 229 Text and its Genre 201 The Episode and Its Literary Context 203 The Structure of the Text 206 The "Capernaum Motif" 207 The Faith Factor in the Episode 208 The Fraternity Factor of the Episode 209 The Centurion`s Love for the Servant 210 The First Delegation and Jew-Gentile Fraternity 211 The Second Delegation and the Fraternity Dimension 215 The "Good News" of Mutuality 217 The Centurion and the Elijah-Widow Episode 218 The Centurion and the Elisha-Naaman Episode 219 Conclusion 221 THE GOOD NEWS AS FRATERNITY ACCORDING TO ACTS Socio-Economic Fraternity (Acts 2: 42-47, 4:32-37) Book of Acts: A

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