Theologies in the Old Testament

Gerstenberger, Erhard S

Theologies in the Old Testament - New York T and T Clark 2002 - 358p

includes index and biblioraphy

2. INTRODUCTION 5 2.1 From what context do we consider the Old Testament? 5 2.2 What is the status of the Old Testament writings? 12 2.3 What are our aims in interpreting the ancient traditions? 17 3. A SKETCH OF THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF ISRAEL 19 3.1 Family and clan 19 3.2 Village and small town 20 3.3 Tribal alliances 21 3.4 The monarchical state 22 3.5 Confessional and parochial communities 23 4. THE DEITY IN THE CIRCLE OF FAMILY AND CLAN 25 4.1 The horizon of faith 25 4.2 Cultic actions 35 4.3 Ideas of God 50 4.4 The ethic of family and clan 61 4.5 Theology from the family - theology of the individual 75 5. DEITIES OF THE VILLAGE (SMALL-TOWN) COMMUNITY 93 5.1 The social history of Palestine 93 5.2 Village structures 96 5.3 Rituals and cults 101 5.4 Ethics and the administration of justice 106 5.5 The theology of the settled community 108 6. GOD AND GODDESS IN THE TRIBAL ALLIANCE 111 6.1 The biblical picture of the tribal system 111 6.2 The origin of Israel 115 6.3 The structure of the tribes 120 6.4 Cultic actions 130 6.5 Ideas of God 138 6.6 Faith and ethics 151 6.7 Ideologies of war? Liberation theology? 156 6.8 How were larger societies organized? 159 7. KINGDOM THEOLOGIES IN ISRAEL 161 7.1 The sources 161 7.2 Internal organization 163 7.3 Foreign policy 176 7.4 Theology of king and state 180 7.5 The opposition from peripheral groups (prophecy) 188 7.6 Were there special features in the northern kingdom of Israel? 198 7.7 The theology of the southern kingdom after David (Jerusalem theology) 199 7.8 Popular belief 201 7.9 National religion? 203 8. THE FAITH COMMUNITY OF `ISRAEL` AFTER THE DEPORTATIONS 207 8.1 The political and social situation: internal structures 207 8.2 The origin of the holy scriptures 209 8.3 Yahweh, the only God 215 The name and exdusiveness of Yahweh 218 Tlte legacy of family and village religion 221 The power and impotence of God 224 Justice and peace 234 Creation and history 242 Guilt and atonement 244 Summary 245 8.4 The cult: temple and synagogue 253 8.5 Popular belief 258 8.6 The ethic of the Yahweh community 262 8.7 What remains? 271 9. POLYTHEISM, SYNCRETISM AND THE ONE GOD 273 9.1 Conceptual clarifications 274 9.2 Changes: the accumulation and interdependence of images of God 276 9.3 Tensions between the theologies of ancient Israel 280 10. EFFECTS AND CONTROVERSIES 283 10.1 Christian perspectives? 283 10.2 The ecumenicity of our theology 284 10.3 The autonomous human being 286 10.4 The unjust, unredeemed world 288 10.5 God: personal or impersonal? 290 10.6 The liberating God 291 10.7 An ethic of responsibility 293 10.8 Images of God today 296 10.9 Parallel theologies (pluralism)? 297 10.10 Relativity, absoluteness, globalization 298 10.11 Monism and dualism 299 10.12 Anthropology 300 10.13 History and eschaton 302 10.14 Our God today 304 10.15 God for all 305

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