The CHAI-CMAI Joint Formulary 1994


The CHAI-CMAI Joint Formulary 1994 - 2th ed. - Secundrabad Communication Centre, CMAI 1994 - 315p

includes index and biblioraphy

Rational Use of Drugs AdverseDrug Reactions DrugInteractions... Schedules of Drugs. Banned Drugs juidelines for Prescribing . Guidelines for Dispensing Medicines .. Guidelines on Storage of Medicines Constituting & Use of Some Commonly Used Intravenous Infusions . Drugs Under Special Circumstances Classified Groups of Drugs 1. Alimentary System.. 2. Drugs Used in Anaesthesia . Analgesics. 4. Anti-Allergie Poisoning.. 6. Anti-Infective Drugs .. 7. Anti-Neoplastic Drugs .


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