The Undercover Philosopher

Philips, Michael

The Undercover Philosopher A Guide to Detecting Shams, Lies, and Delusions - Oxford One World 2009 - 300p

includes index and biblioraphy

How Bad Theories Manufacture Flawed Data: "Recovered Memories" of Childhood Sexual Abuse Bad Data Born of Bad Theory Born of Desperation: Professional Ethicists and "Our" Ethical Intuitions Ignorance, Iffy Data and Economic Interests: Brokers, Economists and Random Walks Standing Pat: Lie Detection and the Criminal Justice System Rejecting What Does Not Fit: Acupuncture and theA.M.A. Protecting our Theories: The Willful Ignorance of Behaviorism Reflections Chapter 4: Flawed Data: Incompetence, Subjectivity, and Cooking the Books Bad Training and Cost Cutting: Survey Research Fame, Fortune, and Licking the Hand that Feeds You: Scientific Fraud Accounting Fraud: Money, Power, and Politics Media Misrepresentations: Training, Ideology, Careerism, Politics, and Organization Reflections Chapter 5: From Data to Conclusions: Values, Assumptions, and Politics Value Judgments Big Picture Assumptions Organization and Politics Publication Reflections Chapter 6: From Data to Conclusions: A Bit of Philosophy Scientism and "The Scientific Method" Post-Modernism Our Cognitive Tools Deduction Induction Explanation Interpretation Reflections Chapter 7: Deciding What to Believe Reasons to Doubt An Ethic of Belief? How Much is Enough? Believing Without Evidence The Final Frame

9781851685813 295

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